How Is Gum Disease Treated?

Graphic showing the stages of gum disease also known as periodontal disease.Gum disease has two stages: gingivitis and periodontitis. It’s the most common cause of tooth loss in adults and has been linked to health issues like heart disease and stroke. Good oral hygiene and regular professional cleanings can prevent gum disease. At our office, we’re also equipped to address gum disease no matter what stage you’re in. How is this condition treated?

Causes & Symptoms

First, how does someone get gum disease? It’s often caused by poor oral hygiene. Plaque begins to build along your gum line, which irritates your gums. They pull away from the roots, forming deep pockets where even more bacteria can cause infections and damage the bone. Symptoms include swollen, red gums, bleeding gums, increased tooth sensitivity, gum recession, and loose teeth.

Gum Disease Treatments 

If we catch gum disease early in the gingivitis stage, all you might need to do is improve your oral hygiene routine. If it’s more serious, periodontal therapy may be necessary. 

Scaling & Root Planing

Deep cleanings - which are also known as scaling and root planing - get under the gums to clean away bacteria. We rely on special tools to first remove hardened plaque below the gum line. Next, we smooth out the roots of your teeth, allowing your gums to reattach. To ensure your comfort, we use a local anesthetic to numb your gums and give you the option to divide up the cleaning into a few appointments.

Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST)

Receding gums are a common symptom of severe gum disease. In the past, we would need to do gum grafting, but we now offer the Pinhole Surgical Technique. This minimally-invasive treatment uses a small pinhole needle to loosen gum tissue and move it back into place. It’s more comfortable and allows for faster healing.

Addressing Gum Disease at Atlantic Dental Partners

At our Malden and Jamaica Plain offices, we frequently treat both mild and serious gum disease. If you’re more vulnerable to this condition for any reason, we design schedules and treatment plans that keep your gums and teeth healthy. Please contact us today if you have questions about gum disease or want to book an appointment!


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