5 Reasons Restorative Dentistry Is Necessary

Elderly couple smile at each other after receiving dental restorations

Restorative dentistry is used to combat a number of oral health issues and restore the teeth to a functional and healthy state. You have probably heard of the procedures that fall under restorative dentistry including fillings, veneers, crowns, bridges, dentures. and dental implants. Here, we’ll explain five reasons why restorative dentistry is necessary.

1. Replace Missing Teeth

Restorative dentistry can help replace missing teeth in the form of implants, bridges, and dentures. Implants are a great option for when you just need a single tooth replaced. A dental implant is a replacement tooth root that is made of strong materials in order to create a permanent foundation for replacement teeth. They are placed by drilling into the jawbone so that the implant can be screwed directly into it. Once the bone around the implant has healed and fused with the implant, your dentist will be able to fit your replacement tooth on top of the implant. Bridges are metal frames with artificial teeth attached and are a great option for when you need to replace multiple teeth. The frame is cemented into supports which can either be healthy teeth nearby or implants. You can also replace missing teeth with dentures if you need many teeth replaced.

2. Fix Broken or Chipped Teeth

If you have a broken or chipped tooth, a crown is a great way to restore your smile. A crown is a tooth-shaped cover that is put over an existing tooth that’s damaged to improve your smile. Crowns are placed by taking an impression of the damaged tooth in order to make a permanent crown that will fit snugly over the tooth that needs restoring. Once it’s ready, the crown will be cemented to the tooth so your smile will be good as new.

3. Prevent Further Decay

If you have a tooth that has been damaged by decay, you’ll need restorative dentistry in the form of a filling. A filling is a way to remove the decayed and infected material, clean out the area of the tooth, and then fill in the tooth cavity with a filling material. Fillings are often made of composite resin, amalgam, gold, or porcelain. By getting a filling, you will prevent your tooth from being further decayed.

4. Fix a Tooth After a Root Canal

If your tooth decay is really bad, you will need a root canal, a procedure that saves or repairs a decayed or infected tooth. Like with a filling, a root canal will require the removal of the infection and then a filling. Often, the tooth that needed a root canal will not be left in great shape. Therefore, crowns are often used to cover up the tooth that has had a root canal.

5. Give You a Whiter, Brighter Smile

Veneers are a restorative dental procedure that can give your smile a whiter, brighter look. Veneers are thin covers for your teeth that are custom made to look exactly like your natural teeth and can fix problems such as discoloration, misshapen teeth, too large or too small teeth, misaligned teeth, or gapped teeth.

If you think you need restorative dentistry, give us a call to schedule a consultation.



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